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for "Man and the Unknown"
Spiritual subjects
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[Sound clips]
- Abangan Javanese
- Adams, Pres. John: influenced by Eastern thought
- Alchemy and New Age
- Andraea, Johann, Valentin, and Rosicrucians
- Animism on Java
- Anthropology and Javanese mysticism
- Apocalypse
- Failing predictions
- Foretold in N.T>
- Biblical predictions
- Consequences of failure to occur
- Apostasy
- Aquarian conspiracy and New Age
- Archetype of the new man
- Cultivating awareness
- Bali
- Balinese religion
- Belief
- analysis of belief = heresy
- and salvation
- Besant, Annie
- and Krishnamurti
- Auke Sonnega on A.B.
- Bennett, J.G. (and Subud)
- Bhagavan members' alienation from outer world
- Bible
- The roots of the New Testament
- N.T. composed of layers of editing
- Burning of early biblical scriptures
- Document Q
- Apostles were not authors of N.T>
- Inconsistencies in N.T>
- Archeology disproves Old Testament
- God's word?
- Spinoza's biblical scholarship
- Bi-location
- Birkenhead, Lord, communication
- Blavatsky, Mme. H.P. and Theosophy
- Rosemary Brown's contact with dead composers
- Buddhism, first B. society in USA
- Cabala, Christianised
- Calvin ordered burning Michael Servet on the stake
- Catharsis
- Cayce, Edgar
- Census of hallucinations
- Chaos theory
- and complex society
- and legio forces on society
- Chinoisery
- Chopin direct voice communication
- Christ, Jesus
- Ever existed?
- Historicity
- Various theories about J.C.
- Early images of Jesus
- Inconsistencies in date and place of birth
- Miracles copied from other sources
- Mystery of his death
- as the new man
- and the rich young man
- Lamb God (Agnus Dei)
- Julius Ceasar?
- Man of his time
- Life not described by Paul
- on following the two commandments
- Christian Science and Spiritualism
- Christianity
- Fundamentalism
- Held back advance of civilisation
- and persecution of Jews
- and persecution of homosexuals
- and slavery
- persecution of heretics
- book burning
- Gnostic origins?
- and council of Nicea
- brought no peace or social reforms
- dying man, symbol of
- failure early communes
- gnosticism and New Age
- criticism in Age of Enlightement
- morals and society
- Doomsday prophecy
- continuous failure of predictions
- sectarian rivalry
- Collective subconscious
- hardly changes
- Collectors, a breed apart
- Communes, short-lived
- Communication
- effect on society
- Communications
- as argument for personal survival after death
- Dr.Crookall's study of
- Confucius communication
- Consciousness
- breakdown civic c.
- causes erosion civic c.
- Cosmic Consciousness
- Constantine, Christian emperor
- Cosmic Consciousness (experience of)
- Creme, Benjamin
- Crookall, Dr.W. study in communications
- Crookes, Prof. William
- CSICOP (Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal)
- and humanism
- also a sect?
- degrading influence sceptism
- Cults
- and brainwashing
- In the Middle East first century AD
- Death
- Arguments for personal survival after death
- Chopin describes passing over
- experience of passing over (Mr.Biggs)
- Deathbed visions
- Deism
- Dharmapala intruduces Buddhism to the West
- Dionysus
- crucified
- Model for story of Jesus?
- as a baby
- Direct voice
- cassettes of sound recordings
- ectoplasmic voicebox
- in Holland 130 years ago
- poltergeist phenomena in Canada and Holland
- tests
- use of trumpets (photo's)
- with Leslie Flint
- Doctrine
- presented as word of God
- secret
- H.P.B.'s Secret Doctrine
- Dositheans, early John the Baptist group
- Eckankar
- loss of degrees of initiation
- Paul Twitchell last in lineage of Eckmasters
- Economy
- inapt monetary system
- lack of ideas
- war and unemployment favour stock-exchange
- Ectoplasm
- and materializations
- and voicebox
- Edison predicts paranormal communication
- Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP)
- Cazzamali, Prof. conducts experiments from twenties onward
- Fr.Jürgenson
- Senkowski, Prof.Ernst, coins trans-communication
- Societies engaged in EVP/physical mediumship
- White noise conducive to
- Eling and Javanese life
- Emerson, Waldo, influenced by Eastern thought
- Enlightenment, Age of
- Escapism
- Evolution
- debate
- Denied in fundamentalist Christianity
Finances and sects
Flint, Leslie, voice medium
tests (photos)
Voices manifest in cinema
Fourth Way and New Age
Foy, Robin P., experiments in physical mediumship
Franklin, Benjamin
influenced by Eastern thought
and deism
and Renaissance, New Age
Old Charges
Founders Scottish and English lodges
many American presidents Freemasons
Fry, Elisabeth, Quaker, communication
Freudian groups, conflicts within
Friendship, elements of
in Christianity
in Islam
chaotic model of forces on society
- Gandhi, Mahatma
- and Annie Besant
- communication (sound-clip)
- Geniuses, people of their time
- Gnosticism
- and New Age
- and Christianity
- Gnostic belief
- God
- Grace
- infinite
- Godmen
- In biblical times
- Features of the gods
- Sumerian goddess Innana
- Gogh, Vincent van, belated admirers
- Green, Betty, and sound-recordings collection
- and voice recordings
- Group
- psychological mechanisms
- rival groups clash
- -speak
- Gurdjieff
- and New Age
- taxed followers
- Guru (see also Leader)
- of cults
- disciple relationship
- Psychology of
- Hare Krishna's members' alienation of outer world
- Headquarters, hotbeds of conflict
- Heaven's Gate
- sect suicide
- and bible
- Hell and Christianity
- Hereafter
- land of brotherhood, harmony and love (clip E.Terry)
- Oscar Wilde communication on
- Hobby
- collecting for a
- value of a
- Home, Daniel Dunglas, medium, at court Napoleon III
- Homosexuality
- and Christianity
- in Islam
- Hypnotized mind
- Indonesia
- Bali
- Mysticism
- Instrumental communication
Reflections on Islam
- Jahweh
- False god?
- James, Henry: interest in parapsychology
- Javanese
- attitude towards life
- Jehova's Witnesses
- and prophecies
- Jesus, see Christ
- Jesus seminar
- Jihad
- Jiwa and "eling"
- and Dositheans
- Jung, Prof.C.G.
- father/mother archetype
- out-of the body experience of
- Jürgenson, Friedrich
- records paranormal voices
- Kaballah, Christianised
- Karma, popularized by Theosophy
- Katie King materialization
- Kejawen, ancient Javanese belief
- Kepercayaan, Javaanse geestelijke stroming
- Martin Luther King on New Testament
- Koons
- first instrumental communication?
- phenomena at farmshed
- Koran
- Reflections on Islam
- Krishnamurti, Jiddu
- disbanding Order of the Star
- in Ommen, Netherlands
- Kuhn, Th.S.'s structure of revolution
- Lang, Dr.Cosmo, Archbishop Canterbury communication
- Latihan
- in Subud
- Law
- corporal punishment
- effects internment
- flaws in judicial system
- hardly anyone knows complete Law
- issues from wrong principle
- rarily justified
- subject political whims
- Leader
- death of
- father/mother archetype
- inflated ego of
- nausea of followers
- No leaders in the hereafter
- psychology of leader
- petty nature of
- revelation of
- Leonard, Mrs. Osborne, medium
- Levitation
- Lincoln, Pres. and Spiritualism
- Lodge, Sir Oliver, communication
- Life
- governed by modern technique
- psychological stages in life
- Living, an approach to
- Mahatmas of Theosophy
- Man
- artificial change
- born inequal
- egoism deep rooted
- fragmented nature
- spiritual nature
- hidden powers
- look for dormant possibilities in fellowman
- ideal archetypal image
- the new man
- subject fate
- MAN AND THE UNKNOWN (overview web-pages)
- Marconi receives paranormal communications
- Margery, physical medium (test-photo)
- Mankind
- no common objective
- and other planetary civilizations
- Goddess Diana stood model for mother Maria
- Materializations
- as proof for life after death
- Crookes, Sir William, experiments
- with Hamilton, Dr.T.Glen
- Matrism in society
- Media filter news
- Mediumship
- physical
- experimental groups
- materializations
- Members (of groups/movement)
- brain-wash
- change of name
- confession
- deviating opinions not tolerated
- forced to undergo change thru harsh discipline
- exploitation
- expulsion
- friendship superficial
- herd instinct
- loss of social contacts
- proselytizing
- sheepishness of
- Split personality behaviour
- suicide
- favors to wealthy members
- Types of
- Mesmerism and New Age
- Metamorphosis in Cornelius Rogge's sculpture
- Mickey, Flint's guide (psychic portrait)
- Mind
- creativity and inspiration
- dramatization
- fusion of minds
- herd mind
- inert
- one-sided intellectual development
- psychic disorders and over-population
- subconscious and manifestations
- Mithras
- Cult first century AD
- Mithraism in Rome
- Money
- Antiquated monetary system
- may enrich life
- Movements (see also leader, members, sects)
- death of founder/succession
- food regime
- high entrance fees
- initiation
- (mind)projecting constantly
- rival movements clash
- various reasons for uniqueness
- Muhammad
- Muhammad heard voices
- Muslim
- integration problems
- Mysticism
- in modern sculpture
- Javanese
- Naqshbandi group on Java
- Near Death Experiences and survival
- New Age
- on great seal USA
- New Age, roots of
- New Spiritual Science Foundation
- Scole experimental group
- for physical mediumship
- New Thought and Spiritualism
- Newsgroups, ventilation of nastiness
- Newton, Isaac, and occultism
- Noah's Ark Society
- experiments
- physical mediumship
- Nostradamus
- Order of the Star disbanded
- Oriental Renaissance in 19th century
- Ottoman Empire
- Ouspensky, P.D.
- Out-Of-the-Body experiences
- Pangestu, Javanese spiritual movement
- Paracelsus
- Paradigm and genius
- Paranormal communications on computer
- Paranormal images on TV sets
- Paranormal sounds
- Parapsychology
- and Henry James
- and personal survival after death
- direct voice tests
- Philip experiments, Toronto
- Parliament of Religions in 1893
- Personal survival after death, 8 arguments for
- Paul alludes to a heavenly Christ
- Phenomena
- physical
- presence phenomenon
- Philip, conjuring up
- Phone calls of the dead
- Physical phenomena as proof for personal survival after death
- Political systems, cause for failure
- Poltergeist phenomena and direct voice
- Predictions/prophecies
- to attract followers
- Edgar Cayce's
- Benjamin Creme's
- Doomsday
- and UFO's landing
- usually fail
- Presence
- benediction
- manifestations
- of Jesus manifesting
- developing near Krishnamurti
- at Pentacostal manifestations
- in Subud
- Priyayi, Javanese social class
- PSI and survival
- Psychokinesis and survival
- Psychology
- group-psychological mechanisms
- group-psychology
- psychological stages in life
- "shadow" personality
- Psychometry and survival
- Quaker, Elizabeth Fry communication
- Neville Randall's book on Flint's communications
- Raudive, Dr.Konstantin
- communicates after his death
- records paranormal voices
- REAL AUDIO clips, RealPlayer
- Reductionism opposed
- Reincarnation
- investigated by Prof.Ian Stevenson
- popularized by Theosophy
- Richet, Prof.Charles and deathbed visions
- Rofé, Husein
- and the spread of Subud
- on Bali in 1950
- Cornelius Rogge, sculptor
- and Indonesia
- and Theosophy
- and Theosophical background
- Rosicrucians and New Age
- Salvation
- through belief
- Sanskrit translations and Oriental Renaissance
- Sapta Darma, Javanese spiritual movement
- Sects (see also Movements)
- and belief
- pecking-order
- and unfulfilled prophecies
- and ritual
- and secret doctrine
- types of members
- only true
- Selamatan, Javanese feast
- Sex, in one's life
- Shamans
- and mystical death
- catharsis
- in early cultures
- Selfdespair
- Singer, Margeret
- Society
- 21st century
- agnosticism, effects of
- and Christian morals
- Authority, decline of in society
- breakdown civic consciousness
- communes usually fail
- Dutch society and over-population
- economic and monetary system, inapt
- ideo-syncracies of
- matrism and patrism
- lax morals in matrism
- organised crime and
- over-population, effects of
- puritan in patrism
- shaped by herd mind
- slaves of welfare s.
- state control
- social control, absence of
- tax to control s.
- threat of dictatorship
- values, loss of
- Society for Psychical Research (S.P.R.)
- Census of hallucinations
- Defeatism
- Foundation
- Sonnega, Auke (Dutch painter)
- on Bali
- and Husein Rofé
- cosmic experience
- Sound cassette, copies of
- Sound clips, list of wav files of direct voice communications on this site
- Soyen Shaku expounds Zen-Buddhism in 1893
- Space travel and parapsychology
- Spiritual movements
- and group-psychology
- Kepercayaan in Indionesia
- Naqshabandiyya
- Pangestu
- Sapta Darma
- Spinoza's biblical scholarship
- Subud
- Sumarah
- Spiritualism
- and New Age
- channeling overshadowing other spiritual issues
- and physical mediumship
- Stochastic resonance and EVP
- Stott, Leonard, physical medium (photo)
- Subud
- admission members
- history
- latihan
- meaning in sanskrit
- no religion
- Sufi
- mysticism on Java
- = tarekat on Java
- Suggestibility
- Sumarah movement
- Survival, personal after death, 8 arguments
- Tarekats on Java
- Taylor, J.Rattray, on society
- Tax
- as instrument to control society
- taxation labour instead of raw materials
- Teachings, mystifying
- Terry, Dame Ellen
- communication
- voice of (sound-clip+photo)
- Theosophy
- characteristics of a religion
- machinations to expel undesirable members
- Thomas, Rev.C.Drayton, investigator paranormal
- Transcommunication and Prof. Senkowski
- Trismegistos, Hermes
- Trumpet mediums
- Truth
- partial truths
- that cannot bear scrutiny
- Unemployment - boost for stock exchange
- United Nations, a giant with feet of clay
- Swami Vivekenanda expounds inner Hinduism in 1893
- Voices
- as a psychic disorder
- on hearing voices
- see direct voice
- Voicebox, ectoplasmic
- explanations
- Oliver Lodge on
- tests
- Wahyu = revelation in Javanese
- Waste - boost for economy
- Wayang, Javanese puppet play
- Webber, Fred, trumpet-medium. Test-photo
- Wilde, Oscar
- communication (+sound-clip)
- writes on and inspires
- Wisdom and intuition
- Woods, George
- and sound recordings
- Woods/Greene collection of spirit voices
- background
- of sound recordings
- Zen Buddhism, first introduction in the West
Real Audio clips:
Revised: 22 April 2004