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The Voice phenomenon (with audio clips)
Paranormal sound clips with mp3 extension)
Javanese mysticism
Other religious/spiritual subjects
Autobiografie in Dutch
Articles in Dutch
Articles in other languages

Voice phenomenon (with wav audio clips)

Paranormal voices
The presence phenomenon and physical manifestations
The Woods/Greene collection of direct voice recordings
Mahatma Gandhi speaks
BBC interview and a conversation between a mother and her dead son
Oscar Wilde returns
Chopin composes on
Mr.Ohlson tells how he experienced "kicking the bucket"
Bessie Smith, cotton picker of Alabama
Mr. Biggs recounts the experience of his passing over (Sorry, no sound clip for this communication yet)
Excerpts of transcriptions of direct voice communications
French introduction
Spanish introduction
German introduction

Voice phenomenon (with mp3 Real Audio clips)

The Woods/Greene collection of direct voice recordings with clip of Ellen Terry
Sir Oliver Lodge on the direct voice phenomenon
Bessie Smith, cotton picker of Alabama
Chopin still composes
Oscar Wilde
The voice of a dead boy
Here are no leaders: the voice of a Quaker
The archbishop of Canterbury: 'Love overcometh all things'

Javanese mysticism

Javanese mysticism
Subud, mystical movement of Java
A mysterious encounter on the island of Bali. Part I
A mysterious encounter, Part II
WIRID, and other Javanese mystical texts
Dewa Ruci. From the Javanese classic, The Book of Cabolek
F.H.Rofé: A commentary on the Susila Budhi Dharma

Other religious/spiritual subjects

The roots of the New Age
Musings on spiritual subjects and philosophies
The Christ myth. Did Jesus ever live?
Reflections on Islam. Myth versus enlightenment.
Parapsychology and survival
Psychology of spiritual movements
Society in the 21st century
Elements in breakthroughs in society
An approach to the art living
Random musings


Collecting vintage movie apparatus
One hundred years of film sizes
Recommended literature and related sites
Images of my collection
List of some 4000 cameras/projectors
Service addresses
Frequently Asked Questions
Movie apparatus wanted
Who invented the Cinema?
Birt Acres (1854 - 1918) - film pioneer


The art of Cornelius Rogge
Some of his objects
Dutch reviews of the work of Cornelius Rogge
Portugese translation: A Arte do CORNELIUS ROGGE
Italian translation
A mysterious encounter by Dutch painter Sonnega on Bali. Part I
A mysterious encounter, Part 2 II


YouTube: my 1100 video clips on numerous subjects
DVD films

Recapitulation of only photos and clips with English captions:

Growing up in Amsterdam in pictures 1929 - 1936
Growing up in Amsterdam 1937 - 49
Hong Kong 1949 - 51
Hong Kong 1951 - 53
Hong Kong 1953 - 55
Japan 1955-57
Japan 1957-59
Japan 1959 - 60
Return to Europe 1961


Nederlandse paginas (Dutch)

De mens en het onbekende
De wortels van de New Age gedachte
Parapsychologie en leven na de dood
Dood geen Einde. Het stemmenfenomeen
Paranormale stemmen
Javaanse mystiek
Een merkwaardige ontmoeting op Bali
De psychologie van geestelijke bewegingen
De kunstobjecten van Cornelius Rogge
De geschiedenis van filmformaten
Wie vond eigenlijk de film uit?


German translations

Philosophische Ueberlegungen (translation by Daniel Gruber)
German introduction (Stimmen)
German: Javanische mystische Bewegungen

Spanish translations:

Las raíces del movimiento New Age
Reflexiones filosóficas
Voces paranormales
Spanish translation 'Oscar Wilde devoluciones'
PARAPSICOLOGÍA y Supervivencia después de la muerte
El fenomeno de la presencia
Un acercamiento para vivir<
El movimiento de la Nueva era
Subud. Su origen y objetivo

Translations of my articles in other languages:

French translation 'Failing predictions'
Italian introduction: Voci
Italian: 'Movimenti mistici giavanese'
Greek translation: Javanese mystical movements
Portugese: Subud. Sua origem e objetivo
Portuguese: Movimentos Místicos Javaneses (for Homeyou Translations )
Turkish: Oscar Wilde Döndü
Turkish: Biz bir ruhu var ruh ?
Turkish: Chopin hala olusturan
Turkish: Paranormal sesler assert: ölüm yok son
Finnish: Kanavointi ja läsnäolo ilmiö
Finnish: Subud. Sen alkuperä ja tavoite
Norwegian translation: Javanese mysticism
Estonian: Juhuslikud peegeldused Philosophical Reflections
Estonian translation: 'Uue vanuse juured 1'
Estonian translation: 'Uue vanuse juured 2'
Estonian translation: 'Uncategorized Kanalimine ja kohalolek nähtus'
Estonian translation: Subud, Selle päritolu ja eesmärk
Russian Translation 'Psychology of spiritual movements'
Russian translation of 'Javanese mysticism'.
Belarusian translation of 'Javanese mystical movements'
Georgian translatian: 'Philosophical Reflections'.
Georgian translation 'Channeling and the presence phenomenon'
Uzbek translation: 'Random musings, philosophical reflections'
Uzbek translation: "Hundred years of film sizes"
Kazakh translation: Random Musings, philosophical reflections
Kazakh translation: Javanese mystical movements
Kazakh translation: Subud, its origin and airm
Azerbaijanian translation: Harnessing consciousness
Azerbijjanian translation: Golden precepts
Polish translation 'Paranormal glosy'
Hungarian translation: Jávai Misztikuz Mozdulatok
Hungarian translation: A független közvetlen beszéd jelenség
Hungarian translation: Újkor mozgalom
Hungarian translation: Parapszichológia és a személyes halál utáni
Hungarian translation: A Pszichológia a spirituális mozgalmak
Bulgarian translation: channeling and the presence phenomenon"
Romanian translation: 'O futilitate în modul major'
Czech translation: Jávské Mystické Pohyb
Bosnian translation: Javanski Mystical Pokreti
Bosnian translation: Parapsihologije i licni opstanak nakon smrti
Bosnian translation: Neuspešna predviđanja
Bosnian translation: 'Kanaliranje i fenomen prisutnosti'
Bosnian translation: Aspit kosmickog obraza
Serbian translatian:'On the psychology of spiritual movements'.
Serbian translatian: 'Javanese mystical movements'
Serbian translation: 'The independent voice phenomenon'
Croation translation: 'Kanaliziranja i prisutnost fenomen'
Croation translation: 'O psihologiji duhovnih pokreta'
Croatian translation: 'Subud'
Macedonian translation of Javanese mystical movements
Macedonian translation: The Roots of the New Age (part two)
Urdu translation: The roots of the New Age.
Arabic translation of Javanese mystical movements

Ukranian Translations:

Ukranian translation 'Precepts for living'
Ukranian translation: Subud
Ukrainian translation of 'My vision'
Ukrainian translation of 'Javanese mystical movements'
Ukranian translation of: 'Oscar Wilde returns'

Indonesian/Malay/Thai/Indian translations:

SUBUD, Asal dan tujuan
Tentang psikologi gerakan spiritual (provided by
Thai translation of 'Oscar Wilde returns'
Thai translation of 'Channeling and the Presence phenomenon'
Hindi translation: Sonnega article (1)
Hindi translation: Sonnega article (2)
Sindhi translation: 'Failing predictions'


French introduction
Spanish introduction
German introduction

Cinematographica. Foreign translations:

German: Cinematographica sammeln
French: Collectionner Cinématographica
French: Cent ans de formats de film
Italian: Collezionare apparechiature cinematografica
Finnish: Taistelu standardointi
Russian translation: One hundred years of film sizes
Hungarian translation: Collecting cinematographica
Serbian translation 'Collecting cinematpographica'
Serbian translation: One hundred years of film sizes'
Bosnian translation: Je ‘Cinématographe Lumičre “mita?
Macedonian translation: Hundred years of film sizes

Autobiografie 'De Werelden van IJsbrand' (Nederlands (in Dutch) met videoclips):



A study of the art of living. An excellent in-depth treatise of Javanese Mysticism by David Howe Ph.D.
New Age Spirituality : spiritualism, philosophy, paranormal, self help, meditation, occult
Ego Death and Self-Control Cybernetics

NEDERLAND/Netherlands - Spirituele sites/paginas in Dutch

Mens en Cosmos. Astrologische adviezen
Spiritualiteit Startkabel links
Altamira-Becht Uitgeverij
Paranormaal Pagina NL
Een prachtige nieuwe vertaling van Omar Khayyam's Perzische gedicht de Rubaiyat
Tarot cirkel
AMIGO. Web-tijdschrift voor non-dualistische benaderingen
Stichting Spirituele Ontwikkeling. Uitgever van het vakblad voor spirituele ontwikkeling
My good friend Hans Brinckmann describes his encounters with Japanese religions in his autobiography
Religie begint hier, links site


Mysterious people, strange powers, psychics & mediums
Paraseek paranormal search engine
Russian translations of various articles by Sandi Wolfe


A fresh translation of that great Persian poem of Omar Khayyam:'The Rubaiyat' by my friend Hans van Rossum


Created: 28 July 1997, last update: 7 Dec 2023

Facebook website 'Man and the Unknown'

| Main page | | paranormal voices | | sound clips | | foreign language pages | | Dutch pages |
| All articles on this site | | Do we have a soul ? | | Javanese mysticism | | Subud | | New Age | | The Christ myth |
| Reflections on Islam | | parapsychology | | spiritual group psychology | | failing predictions | | precepts for living |
| cinematography | | art | | index | | My 1250 video clips at YouTube |