Links and literature on
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- National Museum of Photography, Film & Television, Bradford.UK
- Museum of the Moving Image, London
- The British Film Institute, London
- Smithonian Institution: Precinema and early cinema ads
- American Film Institute
- American Museum of the Moving Image, New York
- George Eastman House
- The American WideScreen Museum
- Museum of Motion Picture History Inc., Tampa, FL, USA
- Musée des Arts et Métiers, Paris
- Cinémathèque Française
- Kamera Daten Bank Deutsche Museen
- Deutsches Filmmuseum, Frankfurt, Germany
- Filmmuseum Potsdam
- Kino Museum Vollbütel
- Austrian Film Museum, Vienne
- EYE Film Instituut Nederland/Netherlands Film Museum
- Museum v. Beeld en Geluid, Hilversum
- Magic Lantern Castle Museum, San Antonio, Texas

Clips of my cinematographica collection
YouTube clips of my cinematographica collection
Precinema/Magic Lanterns:

Collecting/Filming in 9,5mm:
- Cinerdistan. Site dedicated to 9,5 - 17,5 - 28mm, as well as the traditional gauges
-, 9,5mm Club USA, lots of information as well as a number of catalogues of Pathé cassettes
- Grahame Newnham's List of books on 9,5mm
- Grahame Newnham's 9,5mm Equipment Catalogue (non-Pathescope)
- Microscope on Pathéscope 9,5mm printed films (Gerald McKee)
- List of Felix the Cat films in 9,5mm
- 9,5 groups around the world (by Grahame Newnham)
- Ciné-Club 9,5mm France
- Fondation Jerome Seydoux -Pathé >
- Yahoo group: Les amateurs de pathe-baby
- Pathéscope 9,5mm Homepage (UK)
- The Nine - Five Page of Grahame Newnham
- Cine 9,5 Nederland
- 9,5mm forum

Filming in (super)8 or 16mm:

Collecting other gauges, besides the usual ones.

Other link pages:

South Manchuria (Edison?) 35mm projector lit by sunlight as street entertainment, turn of the century
UK/Great Britain
- National Museum of Photography, Film & Television, Bradford.UK
- Small Format 8, 9,5, 16mm. Magazine
- Cinerdistan with info on all gauges
- Oldtimer Cameras, Great Britain, supplies copies of a great number of manuals and other documentation.
- The Projection Box. Keith Herbert's important documentation and supplies site
- KW Technical Services. (Agents for Braun, Bauer, Cine Nizo)
- Lees Cameras, London, offer used equipment, spares, transfer to video services
- Derann Film Services, Dudley, West Midlands
- Buckingham Film Services
- Hailsham Camera Centre
- Lionel Hughes Photographica
- IAC - creative film, video & AV making
- Straight Eight with super 8 film competition
- Brian R Pritchard - Film Archivist. Literature on historic cinema
- Mad Cornish Projectionist's Information Web Site
- Cinerdistan's info on all sizes with splendid photo's

Netherlands/Belgium (Benelux)
- EYE Film Instituut Nederland/Netherlands Film Museum
- Museum v. Beeld en Geluid, Hilversum
- Stichting Amateurfilm
- Nederlandse Vereniging Fotografica (ook Cinematografica!)
- Cinegraphica. With interesting articles and images on rare vintage movie apparatus
- Stichting Nuttige Nederlandse en internationale smalfilmlinks
- Magic Lantern collection 'De Luikerwaal', Huizen, the Netherlands. List swith important collectors. Also offers part of his collection for sale.
- Supersens verkoopt onbelichte films, ontwikkelt en digitaliseert ze. 8, 9,5, 16mm en andere formaten.
- Frank Bruinsma's super 8 reversal lab with details about his film developing service
- Trigger Nieuwegein - Digitalisering van 8 en 16mm films naar Blu-Ray, DVD en harddisk
- Cine 9,5 Nederland
- Cinegraphica (Belgium)
- Xavier Vanpevenaege filmcamera collector's site (Belgium)
- Chris Jagt's camera's en projectoren verzameling
- Ben van Beek's Cinema Equipment Collectors' paginas
- Huisfilmpagina Ben Dijkhuis
- Dibbets: Cinema Context. Film in Nederland vanaf 1896
- Nederlandse bioscoopgeschiedenis - Utrecht Project
- Smalfilm
- Film links
- links pagina
- links pagina
- Topcast filmvoorstellingen, onderhoud
- Catawiki Fotografica veiling
- Huisfilm discussie groep Nederland.
- Ron Botterman's Film Collector site
- Film montage artikelen
- Dissertatie over de familiefilm door Susan Aasman
- Belgische Amateur Kineasten links site
- SuperSens film/video transfer

France, Canada



Australia/New Zealand
(Any suggestions?)
- Federation of Australian Movie Makers With a list of links to 25 Australian video and movie clubs
- Trevor Adams Filmstips site. New Zealand
- DVD Infinity, North Sydney, transfer to DVD of Standard/Regular 8mm, 9.5mm, 16mm, 17.5mm, 28mm and 35mm films.
- Kata Productions, Tasmania, transfer to DVD or video tape of standard/regular 8mm, 9.5mm, and 16mm films.
- Diskbank restoration and digitalisation services
Other countries
(Any suggestions?)

Urbanski Films
PhotoGuide Japan's PhotoSpaces
Video (transfer, digitalisation)
- DVD transfer is offered by: CJS Technologies
- 'Got memories?' (Scottsdale, Arizona) 8, 16mm film digital transfer
- Imemorybox 8, 9.5 and 16mm cine/video transfer, Darlington DL1 5JQ, North England
- Digital transfer systems from 8 and 16mm
- Bruce Mayfield's '8mm Film Transfer Film to Video / DVD', with tutorial.
- Home Movie Transfer
- High Sierra Productions, Pacific Northwest transfers all sizes to video/DVD.
- 9,5mm video transfer services in various countries
- Plato Video (U.K.) 8, 9.5, 16mm film transferred to video
- Lees Cameras, London, offer transfer to video services
- DVD Infinity, Sydney, Australia video transfer
- Kata Productions, Australia, transfer 8, 9.5, 16mm film to video
- SuperSens video/filmlaboratory Netherlands. They transfered practically all my films to video. I made of most of them YouTube video clips (950 now).
(All addresses are given without responsibility)

The following are some valuable reference-books (most
out-of-print) often used by collectors (depending on their nationality!):
- Ariel, Pete: Cinematographica Register (4 volumes, 1981-1990)(click)
- Auer, M. & Ory, M: Histoire de la Caméra Ciné Amateur (French, many fine photographs 1979)
- Auer, Michel: Collectors Guide to antigue cameras (1981)
- Barnes, John: The Rise of the Cinema in Great Britain, two volumes (1983)
- Barnes, John: The Beginnings of the Cinema in Great Britain, 5 volumes
- Bennett, Colin N.: The Handbook of Kinematography (1911)
- Cameron, David: How Films Were Made and Shown 1895-2015
- Cameron, James R: Motion picture Projection (various editions from 1918 until after WW2. Contains detailed descriptions of mainly American 16 and 35mm (cinema) projectors.
- Ceram, C.W.: Archeology of the Cinema (1965, also German and French editions)
- Coe, Brian: The History of Movie Photography (1981)
- Ducom Jacques: Le Cinématographe (1911)
- Fielding, Raymond: A technological history of Motion pictures (1983)
- Gardiakos, Soterius: Pre 1900 American made [Movie] projectors (2010)
- Gregory, C.L. : Motion Picture Photography (1920)
- Hecht, Hermann & Ann: Pre-Cinema and History (1993)
- Hendricks, Gordon: Origins of the American Film (Reprint 1972)
- Herbert, S.& McKernan, L.: Who's who of Victorian Cinema (1996)
- Herbert, S.: Industry, Liberty, and a Vision: Wordsworth Donisthorpe's Kinesigraph (2004)
- Hopwood, Henry V.: Living Pictures (1899. Reprinted by Arno Press. It is now also available on CD, with 1915 update from 'The Projection Box' )
- Hrabalek, E: Laterna Magica (German magic lantern price-guide 1985)
- Hulfish, David S.: Motion Picture Work (1913)
- Jenkins & Depue: Handbook for Motion Picture and Stereopticon Operators (1908)
- Kattelle, Alan: Home Movies. An important book with a wealth of data on the history of the (American) (amateur) film industry (2000)
- Liesegang, F. Paul : Handbuch der praktischen Kinematography (1908)
- Liesegang, F.P.: Dates and Sources. A contribution to the history of the
art of projection and to cinematography ( 1986)
- Lobel, Léopold: La Technique Cinématographique (1912 - 1927)
- Lossau, Jürgen: Filmkameras & Filmprojectors (listing 3000 16, 9,5, 8, single and super 8mm cameras) (German/English 2000/5):
- Mannoni, Laurent: Le Mouvement continue (Catalogue: Cinematheque française, Musée du Cinema)(1996)
- McKee, G.: The Home Cinema, Classic Home Movie Projectors
1922-1940 (1989, A third printing has become available in August 2000. Direct enquiries to Gerald McKee, 7 Lordslaine Close, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN20 7UF, UK)
- McKee, G. : A half century of film collecting (1993, still available. See address above)
- McKeown, J.: Price-guide to Cameras
- Oldtimer Cameras Ltd. 'Expert System': details of cine cameras and projectors on sale in the U.K. from 1956 to 1982 (3 volumes)
- Pont, Patrice-Hervé: Catalogue des Cameras Francaises(1993)
- Quigley, Martin, Jr.: Magic Shadows. The story of the origin of Motion Pictures(1960)
- Richardson, F.H.: Motion Picture Handbook (The rival of Cameron, see above). Various editions beginning 1910 until the forties.
- Ristow, Juergen: Vom Geisterbild zum Breitwandfilm. Aus der
Geschichte der Filmtechnik (1986)
- Rossell, Deac: Living Pictures. The origins of the movies (1998)
- Sadoul, Georges: L'Invention du Cinéma 1832-1897 (1945)
- Samuelson, David W.: Motion Picture Camera Data (modern prof. cameras 1979)
- Schmidt, Hans : Kino-Taschenbuch (1926)
- Toulet, Emmanuelle : Birth of the Motion Picture (1995, translated from the French)
- Tuemmel, Herbert: Deutsche Laufbildprojektoren (German 1986)(All German projectors and their manufacturers)
- Wade, John: The Collector's Guide to Cine Cameras (2000)
I have quite a number of second hand books on cinematography for sale.
Ask for list after deleting NOSPAM from the address.

More books:
Abbott, Harold B. : Motion pictures with the Baby Ciné (1929?)
- Abbott, Harold B: : The complete 9,5mm Cinematographer (1938)
- Alden, Andrew: Bolex Bible (1998)
- Bennett, Colin N.: A Guide to Kinematography Projection (1923)
- Brown B.: Talking Pictures (1931)
- Cricks, Howard R.: The complete projectionist (1937)
- Dickson, W.K.J.: History of the Kinetograph, Kinetoscope and the Kineto-Phonograph (1895, reprinted)
- Enz, Kurt: Filmprojektoren, Filmprojektion (1965)
- Hepworth: Animated Photography (1900, reprinted 1970 by Arno Press)
- Horstmann & Tousley: Motion Picture operation. Stage electrics and illusions (1914)
- Jenkins, C.F.: Animated Pictures (1898, reprinted 1970 by Arno Press)
- Jenkins & Depue: Handbook of Motion Pictures and Stereopticons (1908)
- Jones, E.: Practical Guide to the taking and projecting of cinematographic pictures (1915)
- Kermabon, Jacques: Pathé, premier empire du cinéma (1994)
- Kuball Michael: Familien-Kino, die Geschichte des Amateurfilms in Deutschland 1900-1960 (1980)
- Lescarboura, Austin C.: The Cinema handbook (1921)
- Lutz, E.G.: The Motion Picture Cameraman (1927)
- Macintosh, Douglas: A Handbook of 9,5mm Cinematography (2000)
- Mariani, v. : Guida pratica della Cinematografia (1923)
- Merle, André: Les Appareils de Prise de Vues Cinématographiques (1926)
- Moigno, Abbé: l'Art des Projections (1872)
- Musser, Charles: Thomas A. Edison and his Kinetographic Motion Pictures (1995)\
- Neuhauss, Dr. R.: Lehrbuch der Projektion (1901)
- Opfermann, H.C.: Die neue Schmalfilm-Schule (various editions from 1940 till the fifties)
- Repinski, Cynthia A.: The Univex Story (1991)
- Richardson, F.H.: 'Bluebook of Projection' (1942-1953?)
- Sloane, O'Connor T.: Motion Picture Projection (1922)
- The Modern Bioscope Operator (1917 4th ed.)

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