My early years in pictures 1937 - 1936
AMSTERDAM 1937 - 1949

At the groceryshop next door

In front of the Kindergarten

Visiting old hands from Indonesia
A befriended artist made a painting after a photo of my grandfather, the minister.

IJsbrand reads for his brother in 1939
Another holiday at the villa of aunt Riet

Visiting aunt, her daughters and neighbours. Often films were projected.

Grandma at the Rozengracht, Amsterdam.

Visiting nieces Tine and Noes at Wolvenstraat, Amsterdam 1939

Mother took up an interest in Theosophy
Children of the Theosophic sunday school 1939.

To the movies for ten cents
Matinee at another cheap cinema

IJsbrand and his friend Frits 1938 at the Vliegenbos, Amsterdam

With nieces to Ymuiden, in 1939

Mother and her father, the skipper, in 1938.

Another abortive invention of father: paperweights of casts of old coins.
Puppet theatre in front of our house. 1938
Video clip of scene of fishmonger in front of our house - grandmother and her friend paying a visit. 1939
9,5mm filmset as used by my father

IJsbrand at his tenth birthday.

IJsbrand, nine years old, at school in 1938.

With friends. Jewish boy at left was transported and gassed at Auschwitz in 1943. |

Visiting sailor Rademaker was killed at German invasion in 1940 .

Entry of German troups in Amsterdam May 1940

foto 1940: We move into a new home at Jacob van Lennepkade 59, Amsterdam

Austrian refugee and tenant fräulein Schönhofer with friend at Nassaukade.

My first newspaper in july 1940 reporting on German confiscation of barges for invasion of England
The bath house we went to weekly.

At his twelfth birthday in 1941 IJsbrand was given conjurer's attributes
A day with family to the Nieuwe Meer near Amsterdam, 1941

In the basement 1942
The cold winter of 1942
In 1943 IJsbrand is going to stay with family in East of Holland
He is given a new bike to cycle four miles to school
When he is 14 years' old IJsbrand had to apply for an identity card
New year's Eve in 1943 at home
Making a trip by train in 1944
A day in the country Summer '44.
After the invasion liberation troups are expected any moment in Deventer.

When troups fail to arrive IJsbrand returns to Amsterdam. His father has bought him a piano, but his head is somewhere else.

Without food supply IJsbrand undertakes hunger treks

Emergency stoves for lack of coal

Wooden blocks for heating are stolen from tram rails

Emergency rations at soup kitchens
Finally liberation May 1945.
 | IJsbrand's laboratorium
IJsbrand takes up going to school again. Has a great interest in new inventions and explores chemistry
Fancy dress with nieces, summer '45.
Canadian soldiers steal nieces' hearts (1945)
Father's brother, psychiatrist, arrives from Cairo.
IJsbrand goes to stay with his aunt Riet in her villa in Epse, Gorssel, near Deventer, in 1946.
Self portrait 18 years old in 1947
IJsbrand at a sailing trip in 1947
With his uncle Henny at river IJsel, 1947
On the web since 6 December 2006, updated 24 March 2008
© Michael Rogge 2008
Previously Amsterdam 1929 - 36
Sequel: Amsterdam 1937 - 49
Recapitulation of previous pages with photos and clips
The above photos also appear in my autobiography in Dutch: