List of
vintage movie cameras, projectors, precinema, etc. PART 2
D - J
The following is part of a list of manufacturers of vintage cinematographic equipment, with some of the apparatus they marketed. It is by no means complete, but a basis for expansion.
Presently you will find the country of origin, year of manufacture and size. The ACR number, if mentioned, refers to Ariel's Cinematography Register. I hope to expand it with some more images and data on other apparatus. In general this list closes in the year 1965 with the introduction of super 8mm.
For movie cameras after the introduction of Super 8 please refer to Anssi Puistot's excellent list of more than 1330 movie cameras.
In many cases I am not sure of the years of manufacture. For guidance I have made guesses with a question mark. Of course all data are tentative.
I'm always grateful for any info you can supply to correct or update this list
Emailto:"> after deleting 'NOSPAM' from the address.
If you like to find out more about a certain apparatus, click on the first letter of the name of the manufacturer to go to the relative section of this list. If the apparatus is not listed look for a model number near to it for an approximate date.
As models often have a different name than that of the manufacturer you might also search with the Ctrl+F keys.
I have listed apparatus often under their model name, though. Look also under 'Various'.
Value . I'm receiving many queries about the value of equipment. Read my reply here.
[B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]
Use this search machine to locate an item by typing in a keyword:
Or use the Ctr-F 'find/search' feature of your browser to search each page.

D. W., Great Britain
Ardex 1930 projector 9,5mm ACR 0906
Da Brite?, USA
Da Brite 1938? projector 16mm
Dannhorn, Max, Nürnberg, Germany
'Jung Amerika' (young America) c 1890
Elektra magic lantern 1895?
Laterna Magica 1899 magic lantern ACR 0502
Dansk Kinematograf Fabrik, Copenhagen, Danmark
Perfect 228 (System Pathé) 1906? carbon arc projector 35mm
Danson/Beam Echo Ltd.(Ronald Tutt), Great Britain
Danson 540 1958 optical sound projector 16mm
Darbohne, Germany
Darbohne Kino 1961 toy projector for cartoon advertising films, regular 8mm
Darling, Alfred, Brighton, East Sussex - UK
(Stamped with AD logo).
Manufactured cameras for Williamson, G.A.Smith, Urban, Warwick and other early British firms.
Grandsons of Darling leaf through the orderbook of their grandfather.
Darras, A., France
Darras Camera 1896 camera 35mm ACR 0602
Day, Will, London, UK
The Day projector 35mm 1919
Hand crank wooden camera and viewer using 15,5cm discs 1920
El. motordriven camera 1930 16mm
Daypho, F.W.Hochstetter/ Dayton Photo Products Co., USA
Daypho Convertible Motion Picture Machine 35mm paperfilm camera/projector 192?
Debrie, Etabl. André,Paris, France
High speed camera model F series O(courtesy Christies)
Parvo, Le 1908 camera 35mm ACR 0910
Le Parvo, models E, G, H, JK, K et L 1908/22 35mm
Parvo L, Le 1922 camera 35mm ACR 0603 (Leni Riefenstahl with Parvo L)
Fabrication du Parvo L (video clip)
Interview 1922 camera 35mm ACR 0343
Interview models a - f 1922 35mm
Debrie GV (G?) 1920 camera 35mm ACR 0911
Parvo JK 1920 camera 35mm
Cine Sept (rectangular spring housing) 1921 movie and still camera+ 35mm ACR 0088
Cine Sept (round spring housing) 1921 movie and still camera 35mm ACR 0345
Parvo, Le, model L 1922 35mm camera
Debrie type E.C.C.R. 1925? portable silent projector with metal cover 35mm
Parvo, Le, model E 1929 35mm camera
Parvo, Le model K 1929 35mm camera ACR 0912
Caméra Grande Vitesse (G.V.) model D, F & G 1925
GV Special 1930 camera 35mm ACR 0344
Parvo, Le, model T 1930 35mm camera
Super Parvo series V2 1932 35mm sound cameras
'Jacky' Ciné-Cabine 1930 encased projector 35mm
'Jacky-Stellor' sound version of 'Jacky' projector 35mm
More info on 'Jacky'
Super Parvo Color 35mm sound camera 1950?
Pax 230 projector 16mm
Debrie MB 15, 24, 44, 45 1956-58 projectors 16mm
Debrie MS 24 (NM)1957 projector 16mm
Rheinland (Bonn, Düsseldorf, Godesberg, Köln, Optimus, Studio III) 1956-58 projectors 16mm
DB 16 twin interlock opt/magn. projector (750W.) 16mm
Debrie X0 1960? ancillary projection mechanism to project 16mm films with 35mm projectors
Debrie CS 16/CX 16 16mm camera 1966
Defa GWF (VEB Gerätewerk, Friedrichshagen), Eastern Germany
Muck 1960? bakelite projector (also in black) regular 8mm
De Forest Phonofilm Co. Inc., Delaware, USA (1923- 27)
One of the pioneers in sound-on-film recording.
De Forest Training Inc., Chicago, USA
De Forest 1931? hand crank projector 16mm
De Giglio, Turin, Italy
1920? encased projector 35 mm
DeJur Amsco Corp./Dejur Avsco (Amsco) Corp., New York, USA
DeJur Amsco 1512-PH-50-5 (3900) Ground Service US Army Combat camera 1945? 16mm
Dejur 8 1948 camera 2x8mm
Citation 1949 camera 2x8mm Raptar 2.5/13mm ACR 0089
D-100 (D-300)1949 magazine camera 8mm
Embassy A 400 1949 magazine camera 2x8mm ACR 0604
Custom 750(B) and 1000B c1956 projectors regular 8mm
Eldorado I & II 1953? projector 2x8mm
Eldorado III 1954? camera 2x8mm
Fleetwood MAG 8 1954 camera 2x8mm ACR 0346
Fleetwood MAG 8 Turret 1954 camera 2x8mm ACR 0347
Spectator DC 900 1954 camera 2x8mm ACR 0348
Electra (323, 444, Power Pan) 1958 camera 2x8mm 3-lens turret ACR 0090
DeJurette Electra EF-10 1958? camera lens Chromtar 1.8/13mm 2x8mm
Eldorado 660 1959? projector regular 8mm. A similar model was marketed by E.J.Korvette under the name Korv-Air.
Fadematic 1959? 3-turret camera 2x8mm
Custom Electra Automatic Zoom 8 1960? camera 8mm(DC 1601 for roll film, DC 1801 for magazine)
Reflex Slo-Motion DE60 1961? zoomlens camera 2x8mm
Automatic Zoom 8 Electra camera 2x8mm\
(Debonn)air 777 1962? projector regular 8mm
DeJur-Amsco Ambassador P-810 1961? projector 8mm
Custom Automatic Loading 1964? projector (zoomlens) regular 8mm
Scenette PT 40 - 45 1964? projector regular 8mm
Scenetic Duo Vista PT 50 (60) 1964? projector with built in preview screen regular 8mm
Eldorado I PT 80 1967? projector super 8
Eldorado II PT 88 (with built in previewer) 1969? projector super 8
Dekko Cameras Ltd., Slough, later Acton, London, UK
Dekko Standard Model 1934 bakelite camera 9,5mm ACR 0069
Dekko 104 DeLuxe 1935 camera 9,5mm ACR 0349
Dekko 1 & 2(motor) 1937(?) 9,5mm projector crank 60 ft reels (like Coronet) 40V. 15W.
Dekko 3 (4 with motor) 1939 9,5mm projector 9,5mm 50V. 25W.
Dekko 5,6,7,8 1939 9,5mm projectors 400 ft
Dekko 48 1939 9,5mm projector 100/115V. 50 W. 400 ft.
Dekko 1939 8mm projector motorized
Dekko type N model 136 1940? aircraft magazine camera 16mm (made by Telford Products, London)
Dekko GW 1 & GW2 target aircraft high speed camera (1955) 35mm (image = GW1)
model 136 1940? aircraft magazine camera 16mm (made by Telford Products, London)
Dekko 110 1947 camera 8mm ACR 0350
Dekko 118a, 118b, 118c projectors 1947 500 W. 8mm
Dekko 119 A/B/C 1947 9,5mm projectors (new model) 110V. 500/750W.
Dekko 126 A, B and C 1949 projectors 500 W. 16mm
Dekko 128 195? camera 8mm
Delagrave, Paris, France
Lampadorama 1882 magic lantern ACR 0509
Demaria-Lapierre-Molier, France
Pygmalion 35mm camera 1897
Demaria-Lapierre 35mm tropical camera
Demaria type B projector 35mm
Artus 35mm projector 1908?
Astral projector 35mm 1908
Demaria-Lapierre 35mm projector c1909 (click for image)
Cinéfix 35mm home projector 35mm 1928?
Demarria-Lapierre-Molier P.P.C.E.N. no. 1 (image) & 2 1929? projectors 35mm
Demeny, M., France
Dephiles Denoux, Paris, France
Dephiles Denoux 1937? sound projector 16 or 17,5 mm
Deutsche Bioscope Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany
- Vitascope 1899 projector 35mm
- Vitascope 1902 projector 35mm
- Vitascope 1907 projector 35mm
Deutsche Kinematographen Werke, Dresden, Germany
Kretzschmar Kinematograph projector 17,5mm 1904?
Deutsche Mutoskop & Biograph GMBH, Germany
Mutoscope 1900 ACR 0824
DeVault Noble ????????????
(Who can give more information ?)
DeVault Noble 1911? camera 35mm(Courtesy Sam Dodge)
DeVry Corp.(1913-29), merged with Q.R.S. Corp. in 1929, forming the QRS-DeVry Corp., Chicago, USA.
in 1932 Herman DeVry bought back the company and renamed it Herman A. DeVry INC. After his death B & H bought the company in 1954.(see also QRS)
DeVry ad around 1931
DeVry Cameras
DeVry projectors
(Note: Some of the 35mm DeVry projectors listed are products of the Paromel Electronics Corp.. This company was headed by the sons of Herman DeVry - William and Edward - from the late 1940's onward, continuing manufactoring 'DeVry' 35mm projectors about a dozen more years until Edward's death. Their customers were mainly drive-in theatres at the time, so they adapted previous 35mm models and re-badged them Paromel or P.E.C. 16mm projectors continued to be made under the DeVry name, which division Bell & Howell purchased in the mid-50's. B&H (redesigned) J-A-N projectors, and the DeVry name became associated with their electronic training school only. The other J-A-N mfgrs were awarded government projector contracts at various times once the design was perfectly standardized.
Deyrolle, France
Phenakistiscope de projection (Phosphoroscope) 1890 precinema ACR 0913
Dica, France ?
Dica projector 9,5mm
Dilka, Christian Dilk, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany
Dilk Fa 16 1950 camera 16mm ACR 0354
Dimaphot, Meudon, later Paris, France (Charles Jaton)
Dimaphot type A 1948-58 camera 16mm
Dimaphot A 25 1955 camera 16mm
Dimaphot A54 1954 camera 16mm Som Berthiot lenses on triple turret (15 & 30m. reels, 500 made)
Dimaphot bi-format Panoramique 8mm widescreen camera (held horizontally) or 16mm (vertically) (50 made)
Ditmar, R. Gebrüder Brünner AG, Vienna, Austria
Ditmar 2165 (1:1,8125-FOC) 1935 camera 16mm ACR 0607
Ditmar 2187 1935 camera 8mm ACR 0355
Ditmar 2860 N (8 + 16) 1937 projector 8mm +16mm ACR 0453
Ditmar 2890 N 1937 projector 9,5 + 16mm
Ditmar 2190 (1:2,8120-FIX) 1935 camera 9,5mm ACR 0608
Ditmar 2195 (1:2,9120-FIX) 1935 9,5mm camera ACR 0356
Ditmar 2265 1938 camera with exposuremeter 16mm ACR 0609
Ditmar 2287 (ELM + 1:2,5112,5-FIX) 1938 camera 8mm with exposuremeter ACR 0093
Ditmar 2290 (ELM+ 1: 1,8125-FOC) 1938 camera 9,5mm with exposuremeter ACR 0094
Ditmar 2295 (ELM + 1:2,8120-FIX) 1938 camera with exposuremeter 9,5mm ACR 0357
Ditmar 2365 (OLM + 1:2,9120-FIX) 1938 camera with exposuremeter 16mm ACR 0914
Ditmar 2387 (OLM + 1:2,5112,5-FIX) 1938 camera with exposuremeter 8mm ACR 0095
Ditmar 2390 (OLM + 1:2,9120-FIX) 1938 camera with exposuremeter 9,5mm ACR 0096
Ditmar 2395 1939? camera Steinheil Cassar 2.9/20mm
Ditmar 2960 1955 projector 9,5/16mm
Dixi, Le Locle, Switzerland
Doiflex / D.O.Industries ?, Japan
Doiflex 1962? (after Arri) tri-turret camera 16mm
Dom, France
Cinéma Dom-Martin 35mm projector 1898
Dominus (England) Ltd, Great Britain/France
Dominus mark II 1960 projector/taperecorder regular 8mm (test ACW Sept '60)
Dominus 100 III 1962 projector/taperecorder 8mm
Donato, Italy
Donato 1933? camera 35mm for titling
Donelli, Alfredo, Rome, Italy
Novado 1950 camera 35mm ACR 0358 (Astro lenses)(courtesy Christies, London)
Doyen, Eugène Louis, Paris, France
Colour cinematographic colour camera 1912 (courtesy Christies, London)
Dralowid-Werke/Steatit Magnesia AG, Porz & Berlin, Germany
Dralowid II/8 (B)1938 projector 8mm ACR 0721
Dralowid III/8 1950 projector 8mm, lens Dralotar III 1.4/22mm(Usually in green coloured case, but exceptionally in blue, or red case)
Dralowid Reporter 8 1953 camera 8mm with special pull down cord rewinding mechanism ACR 0097
Dralowid Reporter 8 (El-motor) 1953 camera 8mm (I cannot find any further reference to this electro motor camera)
Ducati, Italy
Ducati Professionale 1958? optical sound projector 16mm
J. Duiker en Co's fabriek van apparaten en werktuigen NV. The Hague, Netherlands
Duiker Schoolmaster 52-057L sound and silent projector 1947 16mm
Duograph Inc., New York, USA
Duograph model A 1929 projector 16mm
Duoscope Ltd., London, Gt.Britain
Duplex Motion Picture Corp., New York, USA
In 1915 this firm proposed an economical use of the 35mm film size, by splitting the frame up in two halves (click for specimen) and copying existing 35mm films on to that format. Special Duplex projector lenses were to be made available to project the 10 x 19mm half frame onto the screen.
I have a brochure but have been unable to find any reference that the system was seriously considered, or the Duplex lenses ever made available.
I do not know whether this firm (of a different address), has any affiliation with the following manufacturer.
Duplex Motion Picture Industries Inc., Long Island City (later Brooklyn), USA
(designer G.J.Badgley?, H.O.Carleton - President)
(DMPI took over the Duplex Machine Co., Brooklyn?, manufacturer mainly of M.P. laboratory equipment (under the name Duplex Cinema Equipment, Hollywood) and The American Bell Radio Corp. in the early twenties. Subsequently funding was sought for the Duplex MP Industries in 1924. It is doubtful whether they could raise enough capital for expansion as no more was heard of them later in the twenties.
See share)
Dupuis, Charles, France
Cinématographe 1912 camera+ projector 35mm ACR 0915
Duskes, Berlin, Germany
- Photoskop 1906 projector 35mm
- Vitagraph 1908 projector 35mm
- Photoskop model K 1911 projector 35mm
Dux/Markes & Co., Ludenscheidt, Germany
See also 'Trixine' and Various/Baby Movie.. (Who knows more about the history of Dux?)
D.W., Great Britain
Ardes 1930 projector 9,5mm
Eagle?, Great Britain
Eagle toy projector for animated (MiniCine) 35mm filmstrips
Eberlein & Krug (EKA), Furth/Bayern, Germany
(See under EKA below)
Eckenrath, C., Berlin, Germany
Laterna Magica 1905 magic lantern ACR 0771
Camera Obscura 1 1905 ACR 0544
Laterna Magica 1905 magic lantern ACR 0503
Reflectoscope 1910 magic lantern ACR 0772
Eclair, Etabl., Paris, France (Anciens établissements Parnaland)
Eclair 1912 wooden camera magazines each on a side 35mm
Eclair-Gillon Grand Modèle 1913 camera 35mm
Kinéclair 1913 projector 35mm
Camera Système Gillon1918 camera 35mm ACR 0917
Caméréclair (1924-Méry) 1924 camera 35mm ACR 0610
Caméréclair (1928-Méry) 1928 camera 35mm ACR 0611
Caméréclair (1928-Méry) 1928 camera 35mm ACR 0918
Camarette Eclair 1928 camera 35mm
Caméréclair Radio 1932 camera 35mm
Caméréclair, Système Méry 1933 camera 35mm
Cameflex Standard 35 - CM 3 1946 camera 35mm ACR 0359
Aquaflex 1949 underwater camera
Camé 300 Reflex 1949 camera 35mm
Cameflex 16 (Aquaflex, Blimp) 1950 camera 16mm
Cameflex T 16 1951 (telecine) camera 16mm
Eclair GV 16 1951? high speed (up to 200 f.p.s.) camera 16mm
Eclair GV 16 (Sport) 1951? camera 16mm
(Camématic)Eclair-Constructeur model C 1955? camera 35mm
Camé-Twin camera double 35mm
Eclair 16 NPR 1960 camera 16mm
Eclair ACL (Agusti (Austin) Coma / Jacques Lecoeur (designers) 1,1.5, and II cameras 16mm (Erkan Umut's site)
Eclair ACL-16 (Mini-eclair) 1971 camera 16mm
Eclair GV-600 hi speed camera 35mm
Edengraph, USA
Edengraph regular model 35mm projector 1912?
Edison Inc, Thomas A., Orange, N.J.,USA
Vitascope 1896 projector 35mm (see Jenkins)
Projecting Kinetoscope (spoolbank)1897 35mm projector-mechanism(click for image of a later model)
Poster advertising Edison movie show around 1900
Nameplate on Edison kinetoscope
Edison splicer 35mm (courtesy: Rich Landry)
Ad for 35mm Home Kinetoscope early 1900
Universal projecting Kinetoscope 35mm (all metal)projector (designer A.White) 1903
Projecting Kinetoscope model B 35mm projector 1907/8
Edison projector in projection cabin
Edison projector operator
Edison model D 35mm projector 1911
Super Kinetoscope 35mm projector 1914?
Home Kinetoscope 1912 projector 22mm (early model without take-up reel
Home Kinetoscope 1912 projector 22mm ACR 0722
Home Kinetoscope 22mm 1912 manual ACR 0839
The Educational Motion Picture Machine and Films Co., St.Louis, USA (1915 - 1920)
Educator model I 1915 projector 16mm
Educator series II 1920 16mm
Egda Cinema / Etblts. G. de Andreiss S.A., Marseille, France
Egda Ciné MM toy (red or brown) projector for animated strips 1937? (similar to Dux 44)
Egda advertising metal plate
<4>EIA (Royal Projection AB, Stockholm). click
Eiki Industrial Co.Ltd., Osaka, Japan (1953 - now)(click). See also Elf below.
3580, 3585 magn sound projectors 16mm
EX 300 SL, 1500, 2000 A&N, 4000P, 5500A projectors 16mm
Eiki XP 1000 projector 35mm
Eiki NST-0/1/2/3 / NS-0/1/2/3 197? sound projectors 16mm
Eiki NT 1 - 3 sound projector 16mm (accessory: Elf double band system by Burgess-Lane, Gt.Britain)
Eiki RM-0 1965?sound projector 16mm
Eiki Slot Load SL0 - 2 197? sound projectors 16mm
Eiki SNT 0 & 3 projectors 16mm
Eiki (Slim Line Slot Load) SSL-0 197? sound projector 16mm
Eiki 9,5 1978 projector 9,5mm
Eiki Super Slot Load SSL-2 Slim Line 198? sound projector 16mm
Eiki EX 6000 Xenon cinema projector 16mm
Eka / Eberlein & Krug, Apparatebau, Fuerth, Germany
Eka 1927? toy projector 35mm
Eka different model toy projector 1929 35mm
Eka Record 1949? toy projectors 8, 9,5mm (image) & 16mm
101 1950 projector 9,5mm
148 - 150 1950 projectors 16mm
153, 160, 170 1950 projectors regular 8mm
Ekran SPA(Scientific Production Amalgamation), Kiev, Ukraine, USSR
35mm theatrical projectors
E.K.S. Ltd, London, UK
Electric Gyroscope Kinematograph Camera Co. Ltd., (Negretti & Zambra), London, Great Britain
Electric Gyroscope 1912 camera 35mm, driven by 16 Volt el. motor Claimed to be the first hand-holdable camera (Courtesy Christie's, London)
Elektra GmbH, West-Germany
Merkur 1929 silent projector 16mm
Elessa Kinoapparatebau, Stuttgart, Germany
Elessa 1929? camera+projector 16mm
Elew / Predom-Prexer, Poland
(See also Cinetechnical Works, Lodz, Poland)
- AP 11 u (Cinephone) 1955 sound projector
- AP 12, 14 1956 silent projectors 16mm
- Elew AP 22, 23 T, 25 - 28 T, 40-1 T, 42, 1970-77 sound projectors 500 W.
- Elew 24 T
1971 sound projector with Zeiss lens 16mm
Elf (Eiki?)
Elmo (Camera) Co. Ltd., Nagoya, Japan (founded 1927)
Elmo cameras
- Elmo 1936? camera 35mm (after B&H Eyemo)
- Elmo 16mm 1936 camera 16mm
- Elmo 8 1937 camera lens 1.3/13mm 2x8mm
- Elmo 8-A 1940 (re-appeared in 1955) camera lens 1.3/13mm 2x8mm
- Cine Elmo 8 AA 8mm camera 1955?
- Elmo 8 R, RS, RT 1957 camera 2x8mm
- Cine Elmo 8-V, 8-L(twin turret) 1958 cameras 2x8mm
- Cine Elmo Zoom Auto-eye 8-E 1959 camera 2x8mm
- Elmo 8 v 1959 camera twin turret 2x8mm
- Cine Elmo 8 S, SS Zoom Auto Eye 1960 camera 2x8mm ACR 0919
- Elmo 8 E Zoom Auto Eye (8EE) 1961 cameras 2x8mm
- Elmo 8 CA (CZ) 1961-2 cameras 2x8mm
- Elmo Pocket 1962 camera 1.8/10mm
- Elmo Zoom 82 1962 camera 2x8mm
- Elmo Pocket Autozoom 83 1962 camera 2x8mm
- Cine Elmo Zoom 8 TL 4, 4s, TL 6, 1964 cameras 2x8mm
- Elmo Stereo Movie ESM-1 unit 1965?
- Elmo Super 106 1966 camera super 8
- Elmo C200 1966 camera single 8
- Elmo C300 1966 camera interchangeable backs for 2x8mm, single8 and super 8
- Honeywell Trifilmatic 1966 camera single 8, 2x8mm & S8 ACR 0612
- Honeywell Trifilmatic (DS8) 1967 camera Double S8 ACR 0920
- Elmo Single-8 S 30(T), 40(T), 60, 140, 600, 800 1967-75 cameras single 8
Elmo projectors
M.Elsasser, Berlin, Germany
Kinematographen models A-F 35mm projectors 1908
Kinematographen 35mm projector (not certain which model this is)
Emdeko, Japan
Emdeko Metermatic Zoom 1964? camera 2x8mm
Emdeko ZE 2 1964? zoom (Mansfield)1.8 9,5-30mm) lens 2x8mm (See Mansfield
Emdeko Reflex zoom Automatic Electric Eye model Cds EM 5000 1965 camera double 8mm
De Luxe 660A 1965? projector (150W. 1.5/24mm lens) regular 8mm
Emel, Etabl.,Paris, France
Emel C 61 (FPS = 16) 1934 camera 8mm ACR 0613
Emel bi-film 1935 projector 9.5/16mm
Emel AP 95-1495 1936 projector 300Watt 8mm (similar model as the 9,5/16 above)
Emel CB 3 1937 camera 8mm
Emel Miami 1938 projector 8mm
Emel C 91 (Special Pan Cinor) 1946 -1960 camera 8mm
Emel C 93 1939 - 1953 camera 8mm ACR 0614
Emel C 94 1946-58 3-turret camera 8mm
Emel C 96 ('Mouche', 16 fps) 1946-60 camera 8mm ACR 0360
Emel C 93 (Speed = 5 + T) 1953 camera 8mm ACR 0615
Emel (Super) Miami 1953 projector 8mm ACR 0723
Emel Panascope 1955 - 61 camera 8mm + panorama ACR 0921
Emel Plume (Reflex III) 1958-1960 camera 8mm
Emel Mouche Reflex 1 1960 camera 8mm ACR 0616
Emel Panoscope 1960 camera and projector for widescreen 8mm
Emel Sportsmaster 1960? camera 2.8/10-30mm 8mm
Emel P 73 M 1961 projectors 8mm
EMON, France
RD16 1958? sound (opt. 750 W.) projector 16mm
Empire Projector Corp., New York, USA
Empire Sound King PZ-16 projector 16mm 194?
Ensign Ltd. / Houghton Butcher, Great Britain
(In 1941 the Houghton-Butcher factory was bombed and production of cine equipment ceased thereafter)
Ensign Cameras
Early cameras distributed through Butcher & Sons
Ensign projectors
Epimo (Exploitation Des Procedes De L'Industrie Moderne), Paris, France
Handy 1948? projector 9,5mm crank or motor 120m reels
Sadar Handy model B 1949 motorized 9,5mm (courtesy Jean-Marc Caudron)
Sadar Deauville projector 1951? 9,5mm 500 W. lamp 300/600 m. reels
Sadar Biarritz 1952 projector 9,5mm
Ercsam SA, Paris, France
Ercsam Senior M-30 (M-50, M-60) 1946? projector 400 W. 9,5mm. Minor model with other wattage lamps.
Camex B 9,5 1946 camera 9,5mm ACR 0923
Camex DS 9,5 1947 camera 9,5mm ACR 0101
Camex GS 9,5 1948 camera 9,5mm ACR 0619 (also 8mm)
Camex HS 9,5 1948 camera 9,5mm ACR 0102 (also 8mm)
Camex Minor 1948 projector 9,5mm
Senior M 29, 30, 50 1948 projectors 9,5mm
Camex GS 8 1950 camera 8mm ACR 0103 (Re-appeared modified as GL in 1958)
Camex OS 9,5 1950 camera 9,5mm ACR 0104(also 8mm)
Valix 1950 projector 9,5mm (also 8mm)
Major 1950? projector 9,5mm
Senior M 60 1951 projector 8/9,5mm
Camex VU 9,5 1952 camera 9,5mm ACR 0924 (like GS but with universal finder, also 8mm)
(re-appeared modified as VL in 1959)
Malex Record 1953 projectors 8,9,5,16mm
Malex Super 9,5 1955 projector 9,5mm
Ercsam J3 1956? projector 9,5mm
Camex Reflex RI 8 1956 camera 8mm ACR 0105
Camex Reflex RI 8 1956 camera 8mm ACR 0620
Camex Reflex RI 8 1956 camera 8mm ACR 0925
Camex VL 8 1958 camera 8mm ACR 0106
Malex Club 100 1959 projector 8, 9,5, or 16mm
Malex Record M-1000 1958 projector 9,5mm (AR with reverse running)
Camex Reflex CR 8 1960 camera 8mm ACR 0107 & 0926
Camex Reflex CR 8 1960 camera 8mm (article)
Malex Club Electromat 8 1962 projector regular 8mm
Malex Sonoclub 8 (Xenon) 1962 sound projector regular (striped) 8mm (ACW Jan 4,'62)
Camex Reflex J3 1962-1963 camera 8mm
Camex Reflex Cellule Z8 1963? camera 8mm
Auto Camex Reflex 1963-1968 camera 8 or 9,5mm ACR 0108
Ericsson, Colombes and later Paris, France. See also Cinéric
Ericsson 1937? sound projector 16mm
Cinéric Ericsson E8 1952 projector regular 8mm
Cinéric Ericsson D-S 1952? encased (valise) projector 16mm
ERKO, Berlin, Germany
Erko projector 1925? 35mm
ERMA/Etudes pour la Realisation des Machines Automatiques, France
Erma 1934? camera 9,5 or 16mm
Ernemann Werke AG, Heinrich, Dresden, Germany
(See Zeiss Ikon for models after 1926)
Ernemann cameras:
Ernemann projectors & various
(See Zeiss Ikon for models after 1926)
Errtee, Berlin, Germany
Prewar Berlin firm which marketed equipment, for instance Paillard Bolex H9 and H16, under Errtee name.
Ertel-Werke AG, Munich, Germany
Filmette 1 1920 camera 35mm ACR 0369
Primus 1921 projector 35mm
Heimkino-Apparat Electa 1921 projector 35mm ACR 0932
Filmer (tropical) 35mm camera 1921 (click for image)
Filmer (black leather) 1922 camera 35mm ACR 0933
Filmette 2 1923 camera 35mm ACR 0371(click for image)
Filmette 2 (MOD) 1923 camera 35mm ACR 0934
De Franne 35mm camera 1923?
Pädagog 1923 school projector 35mm
Lektor I and II 1924 projectors 35mm
Escobar,Josep , Barcelona, Spain
Cine Skob toy projector 35mm coloured animated paper strip (like NIC)1942
Cine Stuk toy projector utilizing two 35mm coloured animated paper strips 1950
Cine Stuk 35mm films
Essex Camera & Co., New York, , USA
Essex Newsreel 1930 camera 16mm ACR 0621
Eta, Prague, Czechoslovakia
. See also Meopta.
Pictureta1931? silent projector 16mm
Etoile, Lyon, France
Etoile E6 projector 35mm
Etoile Chrono projector 35mm
Etona, Japan
Etona 8 Auto Zoom EE 1960? camera Etonar lens 1.9 2x8mm
Eumig (Elektrizitäts- und Metallwaren-Industrie Gesellschaft m.b.H.
1919 -1981), Vienne, Austria
For more info visit: Eumig Museum
Eumig projectors
- Eumig Kinop 1930 projector 16mm ACR 0726
- Kinor 1930? projector 9,5, or 16mm (resembling Pathé Baby)
- Eumig P I 1931 projector 9,5 (see image) or 16mm ACR 0935
- Eumig P II - 1934 projector 9,5 or 16 mm
- Eumig P II (Groszraum)- 1934 projector 8mm ACR 0727
- Eumig P III - BN 5802 1937 projector 8mm ACR 0728
- Eumig P III BN 5802 1937 projector 9,5mm ACR 0729
- Eumig P IV 1939 projector 8mm ACR 0730
- Eumig P 25 1952 projector 8, or 9,5mm 500 W.
- Eumig P 26, 28 1952 projector 8, or 16mm 500 W.
- Eumig P 8 Imperial 1957 projector 8mm ACR 0731
- Eumig P8 (P8m)(Automatic, or Zoom) 1960 projector regular 8mm
- P8 Automatic Novo 1961 projector 8mm
- Eumig P 8 Phonomatic- Novo 1963 projector 8mm ACR 0732
- Eumig Mark S 1964 projector regular 8mmACR 0937
- Eumig M 1965 projector regular 8mm en super 8 models
- Ligonie TS 9.5mm projector built after Eumig S8 projector
Excel Projector Corp., Chicago, USA (also Excel Movie Products, Elgin, Ill., USA)
Excel Midget Movie 1932 projector 9,5, or 16mm
Excel Motio-Scope 1933? projector 16mm
Excel P-6 Redskin (Jolly Theater) 1934 projector 16mm (Courtesy S.L. Turner)
Excel 1934? Midget toy projector 16mm
Excel model P-16 c1933 projector 16mm
Excel 'Mohawk' P-19 16mm toy projector 1933?
Excel P-26, 34 1934? projector 16mm
Excel RGB P-36, P-39, P-41, P-57, P-61 1935? silent home movie projectors 16mm
Excel P-46 projector 16mm
Excel Jolly Theater 1937? toy projector 16mm
Apollo (76) 1938? optical sound projector 16mm
Excel Junior U-77 1938? projector 16mm
Excel Blackhawk 1938? projector 16mm
Apollo 1938? art deco projector 8mm (not sure if it is Excel's)
Excel 83 1937? projector 16mm
Excel Chicago 84 1937? projector 16mm
Excel 81/5, 89-U, 90-U 1938? silent projectors 16mm
Excel 38, 40 1938 cameras 16mm
Excel P-39 1938 camera 8mm ACR 0622
Excel Prep P-39 projector 8mm
Excel 99-U 1938? projector 16mm. Lamp 200 W.(courtesy Christopher Wilms)
Excel P-130 1939 projector 16mm ACR 0938
Excel projectors ad 1947
Excel Toy Television P42 1945? red projector/viewer 16 mm
Hollywood P-96 1948? projector 16mm (with sound head to be connected to one's radio set)
Excel 1950? projector 8mm
Apollo QL 100 1975? sound projector 16mm (Excel?)
F. A. C. T., Italy
Autocinéphot 1918 camera/proj. 35mm ACR 0939
Facine Ste., France
- Facine, forerunner of Debrie Sept 35mm camera 192?
Facine A 1935 camera 16mm ACR 0253
Fairchild Aviation Corp., New York, USA
- Fairchild GSAP N-6 1941 US Army Air Corps gun camera 16mm ACR 0940
Fairchild Camera & Instrument Corp., USA
Falk, Johann, Nürnberg, Germany (1895 - 1935)
Falk was bought up by Plank/Noris in 1935.
Fastax/3 M/Wollensak Division of the Revere Camera Co., Rochester, USA.See also Western Electric / Red Lake Labs
- Fastax 16mm Motion Analysis projector (manufactured in England. See Specto)
- Fastax 8-C26 1964? high speed camera 8mm (convertible to 16mm)
- Fastax WF-5 1968? high speed (8000 f.p.s.) camera 16mm
- W171004 (serial # 35-70) high speed camera 35mm
- HYTAX II/Model 48-0021 high speed camera 16mm
Feature Film Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
Feature 8 Auto 1960? camera 2x8mm
Feature 8 Reflex 1960 zoomlens camera 2x8mm
Feature Automatic Reflex zoom camera 1.8 lens 2x8mm
Feature R-50 1960? projector regular 8mm
Feature P 1963? projector regular 8mm
Fedi, Angiolo, Milan, Italy
1925? Feda projector 35mm
Fedi Astro V 1935? projector 35mm
Fedi 11 projector 35mm70/35 mm
Fedi 15 projector 35mm
Fedi Xenomatic projector 35mm
Fex / INDO, France
Fillum Fun Inc., New York, USA
Crown projector set 1933? Toy filmstrip projector 16mm
Filmagraph Corp., The, S. Easton, USA
Filmagraph 1930 hand crank camera 16mm ACR 0623
Filmagraph 1930 projector 16mm
Filmtechnika, Budapest, Hungary?
(I'm not sure if this is the manufacturer)
FITE 16 CN 1975? sound projector 16mm
Film Theater Technik, VEB, East-Germany
FITE Type 8531 1965? sound projektor 16mm
Filo? , France
Filo 1931? projector models a & B, 9,5(also cassettes) and/or 16mm
Filoscope, London, Great Britain
Filoscope flip book 1896
Flash Mfg. Co., USA
Flash 1932? toy projector 16mm
Flash 1950? battery operated toy projector 8mm
Fleischmann-Film, West-Germany
Hellas 1959 projector 8mm
Flip/Flick books (see also Filoscope above)
Kellogg's Animal advertising booklet 1909
Horse races USA 192?
Fodeco/Technical Services Corp., Roseland, USA
Fodeco 8 1948 projector regular 8mm
Fodeco 1948 silent projector 16mm
Foka, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Importers, sold cameras, for instance Nizo, under their own name.
Fords?, USA
(Who knows more about this camera/company?)
Fores, S. W., Great Britain
- Moving Panorama 1833 VG ACR 0542
Forway Industries Inc., New York, USA/Forways Industries Ltd., Great Britain,
represented in Canada too.
Fotogrammi, Italy
- Fotogrammi 35 mm camera 1910? (only prototype known)
Foton, München, Germany
- Elektor Boy 8 projector 8mm
- Elektor T 16 projectors 16mm
- Elektor 1954-60 projectors various models regular 8mm
- Elektor-Silenta S101 1957 projector 16mm
- Elektor Junior 1955? sound projector 16mm (courtesy Holger Lembken)
- Elektor Escorter 8 1960 projector 8mm
Frank, J.F. , Nürnberg, Germany
Franklin Photographic Ind. Inc, Chicago, USA
- Franklin 115 1948 camera 8mm ACR 0624
- Franklin 115 T 1949 camera 8mm ACR 0625
Frezzolini Electronics Inc, General Research Laboratories, Hawthorne, USA
Frieseke & Hoepfner GMBH, Erlangen, Germany
Frieze, J.S. & Co.Ltd., Great Britain
- The Home Cinema, Peak Cine toy projector 16mm 1939?
Fuji Photo Film Co Ltd., Japan
- Fujica M1 1957 projector 8mm
- Fujica 8 (P)1960-64 projector 8mm
- Fujica 8 T3 1960 camera double 8mm
- Fujica Zoom 8 regular 8mm camera 1963 (see image)
- Fujica 8 T3 1960-62 3-turret camera 2x8mm
- Fujica 8 BE 1960 camera 2x8mm
- Fujica 8 EE 1961-64 3-turret camera 2x8mm
- Fujica 8 Z 4 1961-62 zoomlens camera 2x8mm
- Fuji 8 Zoom 1962 projector regular 8mm
- Fujica Zoom 8 1962-65 camera 2x8mm
- Fujica 8 Zoom de Luxe (model I and II, shown) 1964-65 cameras 2x8mm
- Fujiscope M32 single and super 8mm projector 1965
- Fujica Single 8 P 1 1965-77 camera 1.8/11.5 single 8mm ACR 0943
- Fujica Single 8 Z 1 1965-67 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 Z 2 1966-70 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 Z 2A Industrial 1967 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 P 100 1967-76camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 P 105 1967-70 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 P300 1967-72 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 Z 600 1968-72 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 C 100 1970-71 single 8mm camera
- Fujica Single 8 Z 400 (Z-450)1970-75 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 Z 700 1970-75 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 Z 800 1971-75 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 ZS 400 1971 optical sound camera
- Fujica Single 8 P 300 (new) 1972-76 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 P 400 1972-77 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 AX 100 1973-78 camera single 8 (underwater housing accessory)
- Fujica Single 8 ZC 1000 1974-79 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 ZX 300 1974-76 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 ZX 250 1975 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 ZX 500 1975-77 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 PX 300 1975-79 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 Sound ZXM 300 (ZXM 500) 1975-79 1976 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 ZM 800 Sound 1976-79 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 AXM 100 Sound 1976-79 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 P 2 1978-79 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 P 2 Zoom 1979-83 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 ZC 1000 New 1979-82 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 P 100 (P 300) Sound 1979-83 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 Sound 300 AF 1979 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 ZX 550 Sound 1980-81 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 Z 850 Sound 1980-82 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 P 500 Sound 1980-82 camera single 8
- Fujica Single 8 P 400 Sound 1981-82 camera single 8
Fuji/Hiraoka Kogyo Company Limited, Japan.
- Fuji Central model F-110 1962? projector 35mm
Fujita Optical Ind., Japan
E.E.Fulton Co., Chicago, USA
- Fulco 1932 projector 35mm
Fumeo, Italy ?
Gakken?, Japan
Galater, France
V 50 1950? projector 2x8mm
Gamages, London, UK
Gamage 1920? projector 35mm
Gamage 1930? camera 9,5mm cassette
Gamma, Hungary
Febo 1958? projector (12V. 100W.) 8mm
Kingka P-8 projector regular 8mm(courtesy Bert Batens)
Gansu Optical Research, Gansu Province, China
Hong Qi (Red Flag) 1980 tri-turret camera 16mm
GF 16-4Q, GF 16-GS, GF16-101 Slotload sound projectors 16mm
Ganz & Co., Switzerland
- 'Projektion, Einführung in die Switzerland' catalogue ACR 0433
- 'Projektion, Einführung in die Switzerland' catalogue ACR 0434
L.J.Gardiner Co., Columbia, USA
- Gardiner and Super Gardiner 1937 (sound) projectors 35mm
Gaumont & Cie, Etabl. Léon Ernest, Paris, France, or London.
(See also Eric Lange's site)
GB/ Gaumont British Equipments, London, Great Britain
(Formerly GB Equipments Ltd. Also Gaumont-Kalee division of the Rank Precision Industries Ltd.) See also Bell & Howell
- ? 1933 (sound?) projector 35mm
- Illustra 1933 projector 9,5mm
- Grosvenor 1933 16mm optical sound projector blimped
- Home (A), Standard (B) and C (Siemens) 1933 16mm sound projectors
- Gebescope 1935 16mm sound projector
- Gebescope K16, L16, H16 and S16 1938 16mm sound projectors
- Gebescope L516 1939 16mm sound projector
- Bell & Howell-Gaumont model 601 (#40, 40a, 40b, 41, 42, 42a, 45,45a, 48, 48a 51a) sound projectors 16mm 1951?
- Bell & Howell-Gaumont model 602 (#60, 60a, 61, 61a) sound projectors 1952?
- Bell & Howell-Gaumont 605 Sportster camera 2x8mm 1950?
- For later models under American license see also Bell & Howell (Gaumont British)
- In 1959 Rank reached an agreement with Cinemeccanica, Italy to market their machines.
General Radio Co. Of Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Gennert, G., Great Britain
Genry ? , France
- Genry projector 16mm 1935?
Gentlewoman, The, New York, USA
- Gentlewoman 1919? projector 35mm
Gevaert, Belgium/Carena SA,, Geneva, Switzerland
Geva 8 Carena 1954 (model 103) camera 8mm ACR 0328
Geva 8 Carena 1954 camera Berthiot 1.9/12,5mm 2x8mm ACR 0074
Geva 8 Carena 2 1957-60 camera Berthiot 1.9/12,5mm 2x8mm ACR 0075
Gevaert Zoom 1959 camera Chinon 1.8/10-30mm 2x8mm ACR 0592
Gevaert Zoom 1960 camera Angenieux 1.8/9-36mm 2x8mm ACR 0329
Autocarena Zoom II 196? camera Carena zoom 1.9/9-25mm 2x8mm
Autocarena Automatic 1960 camera Steinheil Culminon 1.9/13mm 2x8mm ACR 0330
Autocarena 2 1962 camera Steinheil Culminon 1.9/13mm 2x8mm ACR 0076
Autocarena 2 1962 camera Steinheil Culminon 1.9/13mm 2x8mm ACR 0331
Carena Zoomex 1963 Variogon 1.8/9-30mm camera 8mm ACR 0077
Carena Zoomex K 2 - I & II 1962 camera Angenieux 1.8/7,5-35mm 2x8mm ACR 0078
Carena 8S8 Sound 1964 projector 8mm+S8 ACR 0719
Carena Zoomex S 1964 camera Angenieux 1.8/10-30mm 2x8mm ACR 0079
Geyer-Werke A.G.,Berlin/Geyer, Karl August, Germany
Giannini Scientific, USA
- Flight Research camera 70mm model 206A
- Model IV-L multidata camera 35mm
G(roupement) I(ndustriel C(inématographique),Paris, France.
From 1958 Movirex cameras were produced by SAFAC LB
Gilbert, Gaston, France.
Gioca, France?
Gioca Royal 2x8mm projector
- Automatic 8 projector 8mm
Gillon, Auguste, Léon, Paris, France
(See also
Girault, G.,Joinville le Pont, France.
Mr. Girault produced 9.5mm cameras and projectors from 1946 onward. He died in 1959 (courtesy R. Igounet)
- Girault 8 1955 camera 8mm
- Girault Reflex 1962 camera 8mm
Giroux et Cie., Alphons, France
- Phenakistiscope 1832 France Giroux 100 optical toy ACR 0947
Givjoy (A.J. Holladay & Co. Ltd), France
- Givjoy 9,5 Cinema toy projector (Import into UK of Leonard Mueller item)
Globe Camera Co., Chicago, USA
Glowlamp sound camera used by British Movietone News
- Glowlamp 1927? variable density sound camera 35mm
Gnome Photographic Products Ltd., Great Britain
- Gnome 1962 projector regular 8mm
Gofferjé & Vollhaber, Erfurt, Germany
Ralph J. Golsen, Chicago, USA
Distributor of 'Moving Picture Apparatus', amongst others Royal Moving Picture Machines.
(Logo pentaprism and light arrow). The Gomz factory changed its name to Leningrad in the fifties. See LOMO.
- PSK 1, 2, 21, 24, 29 195? prof. cameras 35mm
Alan Gordon Enterprises, Hollywood, USA
(Sold imported equipment under their own name)
- Gordon 55 GE 16mm magazine(50') camera, electric drive, built in exp.meter 1953
- Importer Marin MP 30M sound interlock projector 35mm (See Marin Cinematografia, S.A.)
Graflex/General Precision Equipment Corp. Inc., Rochester, USA
. See also Singer
Graphoscope projector (see Campbell )
Grass & Worff, Berlin, Germany
(The firm ended its construction of projectors in 1933)
Ge-We theaterkino System Pathé 35mm projector 1907
'Lebende Zielscheibe' (Living Target) 'Schieszkino' (Shooting projector) 1914
Grawor 1920? projector 35mm
Grawo 'Schrankprojektor' 35mm projector 1921
Pestalozzi Universal-Kino Typ B, portable projector 35mm 1922
Grawor C 35mm projector 1929
Matador C transport-case 35mm projector 1929
Markant 35mm projector (in 1932 announced but ever produced?)
Green, A.W., London, Great Britain
Reylix 1,2,3 projectors 16mm
Griffin & Tatlock, Great Britain
Blick TC 652-16 1930? projector 16mm
Grilli, Milano, Italy
- Grilli 1913? camera/projector 35mm
Grimoin Sanson R., France
Cinématographe des famillies. Toy 35mm cinema 1901
Projector 1902 35mm
In 1902 sold under the name Demaria-Diamant
Grover Photo Products
Guilbert & Coissac, France
- Kinémathome 1913? camera 35mm
Guildhall Trading Co.Ltd., London, Great Britain
Guild Arc 1950 optical sound projector 16mm
GVB Co. ???
Hadland, John, USA
- Hyspeed model H20/16 16mm hi speed camera
Hahn AG für Optik und Mechanik (Hahn-Goerz), Kassel, Germany
Haking, W. (Halina), Hong Kong
Haking and Halina super 8 cameras 1966-1981
- Sunscope 8 M 1960? single lens camera 2x8mm
- Sunscope 8 Electrica 1960? single lens camera 2x8mm
- Sunscope Turret 8 1960? 3-turret camera 2x8mm
Hallberg, USA
- Hallberg Portable 1921 projector 35mm
Hall Projector Co., Chicago, USA
Handy projector see Epimo
Hanimex, Japan
- Hanimex Movimat 1961? camera 3-lens turret 2x8mm
- Hanimex Zoom 1964? projector regular 8mm
Hansen, Max, Berlin, Germany
- Citoscope 1906 projector 35mm
Happi Time , sold by Sears Roebuck, USA
Harmour & Heath, North Sydney, Australia
Hatton Cine, Cheltenham, UK
- Hatton Supersound 1938? projector 16mm
Hauser, Philippe & Probst, Edouard
- Micro Cine 1927 9,5mm viewer
Hawe, Austria
- Hawe Kino 1936 toy projector 13mm ACR 0949 (similar to Irwin's ACR 0777, see below)
Haydon & Urry Ltd., London, Great Britain (click for more info and images). Reorganized in 1900 under the name Automatic Machines Ltd.
Heemstede Obelt, Theodore van, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Vitascope-Cinematograph 1897 projector 35mm (Mannoni)
Henry, F. (Cinétechnique), Paris, France
- 'Le Bidru' 1950 camera 35mm
Hensen, Fred C., Pasadena, USA
- Fred C. Henson 196? industrial (hi-speed) camera 35mm
Herbert & Huesgen Co., New York, USA ( Distributor a.o. of Stineman, New Ideas Mfg. Co.)
Hertel, Leipzig, Germany
- Hertel 1 1948 projector (arc light) 35mm
- Heurtier Supertri 38 1938 Trifilm projector 8, 9,5, 16mm
- Heurtier Monofilm 50 1952 projectors 8, 9,5 or 16mm (mono, or tri)
- Heurtier MI 8 1956 camera 8mm ACR 0377
- Monofilm 58 1956 projector 16mm
- Heurtier PS 8 1956 projector regular 8mm
- Monoson, Superson, SuperTri (models 38, 44, 53) 1947 - 1956 projectors 8, 9,5, 16mm
- Supertri 58, (60 reverse running), 661953 - 70 projector 8, 9,5, 16mm
- Heurtier FA 8 (TFA 8 with 2-turret, FA Zoom with zoom lens) 1958 camera 8mm
- Heurtier H.S.M. 1957 projector 8, 9,5, 16mm (muet tri-film, universel silent and sound)
- Heurtier MS, PS 1958 projectors 8mm
- Heurtier Super Panoralux 1958 projector 16mm
- Heurtier Superson 1953-70 sound projector 8, 9,5, 16mm
- Heurtier MA Zoom 1959? camera 8mm
- Heurtier MA 58 Automatique 1960 camera 8mm ACR 0626
- Heurtier 1960 sound projector 16mm
- Heurtier 1960? projector Super Panoralux) 9,5 , 16mm
- Heurtier Superson 1952 - 68 projectors 8, 9,5, 16mm (mono/tri)
- Heurtier PS 8 100 1960 projector regular 8mm (test ACW Jan 26 1961)
- Heurtier P 6 - 24 B Bifilm 1964 projector 8mm+S8 ACR 0733
H&G, Hong Kong
Hercules..........., Milano, Italy
Hikari, Japan
Hispania, Spain
Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan
- Hitachi 16HM hi-speed 197? camera 500 - 10.000 f.p.s.16mm
Hodres, Hans, Germany
- Hodres 35 1934 camera 35mm ACR 0378
- Hodres 35 1936 camera 35mm ACR 0139
Hoffmann, Wilhelm?, Germany
- Laterna Magica 1895 magic lantern ACR 0774
Hokushin/Yokogawa Precision Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
- Hokushin 1957 sound projector 16mm
- Hokushin 8mm 1961 projector 8mm
- Hokushin SC 104 C 1968 projector 16mm
- Hokushin SC 10 (M)1978 projector 16mm
- Hokushin X-350, 500H 1980 projectors 16mm
- Hokushin SC 210 1983 sound projector 16mm
Holbeck Corp. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
- Holbeck (Auto Zoom) 1962 silent projector regular 8mm
Hollywood Camera Co., Hollywood, USA
Hollywood Film Co., USA
- Hollywood 1926? projector 35mm
Hollywood Motion Picturescope Co., USA
Hollywood Toy Television Corp., Chicago, USA
The Holmes Projector Co., Chicago, USA
Home Cine Cameras Ltd., Construments ?, Great Britain (See Campro.Ltd.)
- Campro 1927 camera/projector 35mm
- Campro Standard 1935 cam/projector 9,5mm
- Campro II 3.5 lens 1936 camera/proj. 9,5mm ACR 0073
Homograph projectors (see Clapham)
Homray Projector Company, Nottingham, Great Britain
Horikowa Toy Co. - Japan.
Horipet ?, Japan
- Horipet Super (also 'A', 'Stellar' and 'de Luxe') 1963? battery operated projector regular 8mm (test ACW March '64)
- Horipet Encore 1960? battery operated projector regular 8mm
Hortson, Paris, France
L. Huet & Cie., Clermont, France. See Clermont
Hughes & Co., William Charles, London, Great Britain
Hulcher 70 model 100A, 104, 108, 123 1970-2003 sequence cameras 70mm
Hulcher 35 model 112 1970-2003 sequence camera 35mm
Hutner Enterprises, USA
Hutner/Simplex Pockette magazine camera 16mm(Courtesy Michael Cleveland). See International Projector Corp.
Hunter, R.F. Great Britain
Hycam, USA
Hycam (41-0005) 1960? ultra hi-speed (up to 14.000 f.p.s.) recording camera full, half, quarter frame 16mm
Ica AG, Dresden, Germany
- Ica seal/stamp
- Lloyd 1912 projector 35mm
- Monopol I 1914 projector 35mm
- Furor 1919 projector 35mm
- Tosca 1919 projector 35mm
- Goliath 1921 projector 35mm
- Kinamo (15m) - BN 5402 L 1921 camera 35mm ACR 0140
- Kinamo (15m) - Aufnahmekinematograph 1922 Patent ACR 0950
- Kinamo (25m) - BN 5401 K 1921 camera 35mm ACR 0141
- Monopol Wanderausrüstung 35mm portable travel projector 1922
- Kinamo (15m) 1924 camera 35mm ACR 0142
- Kinamo (15m) 1924 camera 35mm ACR 0143
- Kinamo (25m) 1924 camera 35mm ACR 0144
- Kinamo (25m) 1924 camera 35mm ACR 0145
- Universalkinamo - BN 5439 1924 camera 35mm ACR 0146
- Monopol II 1924 projector 35mm
- Einzelbildwerfer (=single frame projector)1925 Precinema ACR 0776
- Teddy 1924 projector 35mm ACR 0734
- Rollfilmprojektor 1925 projector 35mm ACR 0951
Idéal Rocher, Paris, France
Cadet, Monobloc, Portable cinema projectors 35mm
Ihagee Kamerawerk, Steenbergen & Co., Dresden, Germany
Ihagee Projektor model CD 1931 projector 16mm ACR 0457
Ikonograph Commercial Co. of Manhattan, New York, USA (designers Enoch J.Rector & J. E. Lagergrek)
Ikonsokop AB, Stockholm, Sweden
Illge, Waiter, Germany
Illinois Watch Case Co., Elgin, Ill, USA
Model P-100 camera 8mm 1952?
Kenflex 8 1949? projector regular 8mm
Impex, Bulgaria
INCOL (Industria
Cinematográfica Orion Ltda.), Sao Paulo, Brasil (1950 - 1995 ). Theatrical projectors.
Indcol, Great Britain
Indcol (Meccano?) 1936 toy projector 35mm
Industria Optica Bucaresti, Bukarest, Rumania
- APS 1969-82 sound projectors 16mm
Industriefilm GmbH, Germany
- Reisekino 1 1930 projector 35mm ACR 0952
Institute Standard Camera Co., New York, USA
International Film Co., USA (Charles H. Webster)
- Projectograph 1896 projector 35mm
- Projectoscope 1896 projector 35mm
International Projector Corp. Chicago, USA
(I am not sure about the relationship between the Chicago and New York firms of the same name .)
International Projector Corp., New York, USA
Merger in 1925 of (see before 1930 Precision Machine Co. Inc., New York, , Nicolas Powers Co. and the Acme M.P. Proj.Corp. After WW2 National-Simplex-Bludworth, Inc.(Also manufactured Powers projectors). For later Simplex projectors see also Strong International. See also: NCS Corp. 70 years of history
Super Simplex photo found in Capitol theater, New London CT |
James IPPOLITO & Co. Inc., USA
- James Ippolito 16mm High Speed Camera 10.000 RPM 60V.
Irwin Corp., New York, USA
I.S.C.A. / Isuar Cinéma, Barcelona, Spain (click)
Isuar toy cinema mutoscope system 1934
Vedette 333 1950? projector 9,5mm
Iskra, Yugoslavia
Ivik, Great Britain
Jacko-ciné, France
Jacko-ciné 1914? toy projector 35mm
Jacko Ciné 1930 France magic lantern+ ACR 0778
JAN (Joint Army Navy) projectors, USA.
I'm indebted to ICECO for some of the following info:
These projectors were conceived as a result of Military Specification (JAN Spec 143) that were commissioned by the "WAR DEPARTMENT" in late 1943. It was not until the conclusion of WWII that the first machines came off the assembly line.
The first Company to be awarded the contract was Ampro Corp. (type IC/QEM-1A), followed by DeVry, Federal Mfg. Company, Aimes, Bell & Howell, Lumen Electric Co., Cine Products Supply Co., Viewlex Inc. and International Cinema Equipment Co. The Ampro made JAN was an offshoot of prototype by GPL (General Precision) of Rochester NY in the late-1940's, an initial attempt which no government contract was awarded to.
ICECO acquired all the parts and manufacturing tooling from B&H in 1984, Cine Products and Viewlex in 1985. ICECO made the machine thru the early 1990's. There were over 100,000 of these machines made over a period of about 45 years. Many are still in service today that were made in 1947. Bell & Howell, Viewlex and ICECO offered the civilian version of this machine. It generally carried the Model Number 614. The Military versions carried Military Federal stock numbers and model numbers. The Government acquisition cost for a complete AS7 system was nearly $3,000.00 each( almost 30 years ago). General Specifications of all JAN 16mm Sound Projectors include: 14 watt built in amplifier and speaker, power rewind system, 2 inch f1.6 super sharp lens, 2300 ft film capacity, Maximum 1200 Watt Lamp (Supplied with 750 Watt), Heavy Duty Power Cable, Microphone Input, External Speaker Output, Separate volume and tone controls, Threading Lamp with switch, All modular construction, separate motor for Driving Mechanism and lamp cooling. If it is high quality Projection and Sound and High reliability you want look no further then the JAN.
Janko, Paris, France
Janko 8 & 9,5 1954 projectors 8 and 9,5mm
Jancolux 1955? projector 8/9,5/16mm (200W.)
Jefe / Industrias Saludes, Valencia, Spain
Jefe 9,5mm proyector for Pathe cassettes hand crank 1935?
Jefe 1950? proyector infantil 9,5mm
Microcine JEFE 1950? projector 9,5mm battery or trafo 3,5 V. 0,3 Amp.
Jefe 'Baby' 1950? toy projector 9,5mm
Jefe Lux 1951? projector 8 or 9,5mm (manual 30 Watt and motorized 75 Watt models)
Jefe Super 1951? projector lamp 6 V. 7W. 8 or9,5mm
Jefe Senior 1951 projector lamp 6 V. 20 Watt 8 or 9,5mm
Jefe 1960? white plastic projector regular 8mm
C. F. Jenkins,Washington, USA (Thomas Armat)
Jerome Engineering Co., Massapequa, N.Y., USA
Johnson Smith & Co., Chicago, USA
Sold in the twenties 35mm toy projectors. They resemble those of Keystone. I'm not sure whether the following are original models of their own.
- Cinematograph, 'Three Reel' 1918? gaslit toy projector 35mm
- 'New model movie machine' 1920 electric light projector 35mm
- #2 Rewind model' 1920? electric light projector 35mm
Joly, Henri Joseph
. Merged with M.I.P. in 1937.
Jones Manufacturing Co., USA
Joy, London, UK
Jumbo (TM)
- Camera Obscura 1930 ACR 0953
Jury’s Kine Supplies Ltd., London, Grt Britain
Jury’s Kine Supplies Ltd., was a manufacturer and supplier of motion picture equipment. From 1912-28 Will Day, a major figure in the British film industry, was the director of Jury’s. Day was a collector, historian, showman, inventor and dealer in film equipment. He established himself as a leading authority on the history of the moving image and its technology.
- Kinematograph 35mm tropical 1913?
I also have a list of 300 items: movie cameras, projectors, accessories in 8, 9.5, 16, 22, 28 and 35mm, and many books I have to clear for lack of space. Please email for a list, specifying your interests, and what size, to: , but first delete the word NOSPAM from the address.
Created September 1998, latest revision and expansion 21 April 2023
I cannot assume any responsibility for the data in this list.
© Michael Rogge 2023
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| Frequently Asked Questions |
| My 1160 video clips at YouTube |
| index to these pages |
| spiritual subjects |
| Do we have a soul? |
| Reflections on Islam |
| art |